About Us
Ruthanne is a black and queer woman-owned brand inspired by the tenacity and creativity that exists within black people. The name comes from Abiola Agoro's grandmother, Annieruth, who was a tenacious unapologetic woman who always taught her to stand up and who wasn’t afraid to ever cuss a person out or hug a stranger in need. Ruthanne was created as an artistic endeavor expressed through clothing and accessories made for those who have been largely ignored and left out of the fashion industries eye. The audacious - the uncredited trend setters - have always challenged the status quo. Here, we celebrate all black people from all walks of live and invite others as guests to see our incredible history.
Not only do we create as an individual brand, but we bring to life the visions of other creatives and agencies looking to showcase clothing designs.
All items from our brands range from hand-made or refurbished to sourced from overstock wholesalers. At every part of the process, community and local practices are in mind that have existed in black communities for decades.